Friday, 12 February 2016

Aidan Kearney, Carmelite's College, Moate, Co Westmeath, Ireland.

Kearney’s influence would soon show the Brothers whether they were interested in boys, goats, men or women
Carmelite Priory and College, Moate, Co Westmeath, Ireland.

Aidan Kearney was a teacher in the Carmelite College, Moate and he fitted in quite well with the Oirish priests who founded this now closed boarding school.
A group of students were spotted one day in the mid-1980s snickering and peering in through a window on the school grounds. What had attracted their attention was Mr Kearney, with his trousers down at his ankles, sat on a desk while a young male performed fellatio on him. The wooden sash window didn’t insulate the sound very well and Kearney could at one stage be clearly heard telling the student to push his finger up his (Kearney’s) arse – it seems some males get an extra sense of pleasure if something is inserted in their anus while they ejaculate.   
What was surprising was that the majority of the students who witnessed this disgusting spectacle weren’t too perturbed by it.
As I came to realise later on, it wasn’t so out of the ordinary for priests, brothers and lay-teachers like Aidan Kearney to sequester the mouths of boarding students for the purposes of blow-jobs whenever the urge arose. Most of the slackjawed Oirish boarding students didn’t object too much; they were probably trained from a tender age in the fine arts of sucking by their fathers, neighbours and uncles.
Aidan Kearney kept his trousers round his ankles a lot.
A number of priests that were (perhaps some still are) attached to this Carmelite priory were also paederasts or perhaps even full blown paedophiles. A Father Buckley who died in the early 1980s was clearly a paederast and a Father Cremin1 also had a sexual interest in young boys.
There were also a number of Brothers who taught in this college and while I can’t state if they were paedos I can certainly say they were freaks. They were slackjawed inbred type bastards who were probably suffering great confusion as to their sexual orientation. I suspect that after a few years with Kearney and the other qualified paedos it became clear whether the Brothers were directed at boys, men or women.
I believe myself that when the Oirish Carmelite priests opened this college in 1949 it wasn’t education that was foremost on their minds, rather it was probably the sourcing of willing young boys to fulfill the priest’s sexual fantasies. The Irish population is generally very slackjawed; for instance, Fr Buckley would openly attempt to groom young boys and Fr Cremin had absolutely no qualms about making passes at any young males he came across. Yet all the local arseholes view these two scumbags as saints – the local cunts are stupider than those terrorists who believe there’s seventy virgins waiting in paradise for them.
Kearney had two idiotic sons2 who were twins; they’d be frequently seen cycling open-mouthed around the town of Moate. Other youths used to frequently ambush and give them the mother of all beatings. Sometimes the ambushers would forego the beating and instead throw bottles of urine on them. You sometimes get this with slackjawed idiotic types where the other youths simply pick on them. Though in this case perhaps the ambushers were taking their vengeance out on the inbred sprogs for something their father, Aidan Kearney, forced them to do. ___________________ 1 The surnames Buckley and Cremin are interesting in that they come from or are predominant in south-west Ireland.

2Kearney probably kept up the usual Oirish tradition of marrying a half-sibling or first cousin. Hence he wouldn’t breed anything other than two open-mouthed arseholes.

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